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Fermly Blog

Fermly and Goldspot Brewing Co. Collaborate on Guanabana Hazy IPA

Writer's picture: Frances Tietje-WangFrances Tietje-Wang

DENVER, CO— Fermly and Goldspot Brewing Co. are both owned by members of the queer community, so it made total sense to brew a beer to be released during Pride Month! The Fermly team has known Kelissa Heiber, head brewer and co-owner of Goldspot since the brewery started in 2015. Supporting the Making Noise: Pussy Riot beer series to now assisting with QA/QC checks, the friendship has continued to evolve.

Brewed to mirror some of the original East Coast NEIPAs, the team decided on Simcoe and Lemondrop hops to showcase the base style. With Goldspot always up for experimenting with interesting ingredients, we decided to get our hans on guanabana pureé for that extra tropical fruit kick! Guanabana is a fruit native to tropical regions of the world. Known for its big black seeds and creamy fruit, it is a strange yet wonderful flavor bomb. The beer has developed flavors that are tropical like pineapple and starfruit, but will spin on a dime to show off banana. There is a slight citrus innate in the fruit that is further accentuated by the Lemondrop and Simcoe hops.

Given the unexpected qualities that pop from this beer, it is one that the Fermly and Goldspot team love, so naming it “Guanabana Be My Lover” was a must! The name is inspired by the song “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls, an iconic pop song of the 90s that almost anyone can karaoke to or have stuck in their head. This beer is similar in that there is so much to play with that people have to keep thinking about it.

You can find “Guanabana Be My Lover” in the Goldspot Brewing Co. taproom on draft and in cans. If the name and the unusual composition of the beer isn’t enough to spark a desire to try it, a $1 from every pour and $2 from every can goes to Queer Asterisk. Queer Asterisk is a mental health organization focused on providing care to the queer community, so Fermly is also proud to be making a donation as well!



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